Havelock and Takaka Working Bees

The Tasman and Marlborough Clubs have been busy holding working bees on various sites in preparation for the PG Nationals next Feburary.

We were too busy working at Footes to be able take photos but had good flights afterwards.
The NZHGPA Discretionary Fund has aproved an application that will see earthworks, landscaping and a toilet at Footes.

It was too windy at  Takaka to fly so we had plenty of time to clear scrub, logs and rocks from the site so now has room for 3 gliders.  A big shout out to the 11 hard workers who toiled for 5 hours.

Roll on February.
 Footes Launch (Havelock)

Footes Launch (Havelock) 

Takaka Hill

Paeroas & Kaimais

It’s that time of year again to remind ALL PILOTS to be aware of site protocols.

Visiting pilots must contact locals or site monitors BEFORE flying.

Weather station is now operational.

The Farm Manager has stipulated there is to be NO LANDING IN PADDOCKS CONTAINING STOCK.

This will primarily affect PG pilots as HG pilots usually land out at the intersection.

The paddock by the entry gate is used as a holding paddock. There may not be stock in it when you arrive at site but could be by the time you decide to land, which means YOU CANNOT LAND IN THIS PADDOCK IF THERE IS STOCK IN IT.

A better protocol would be to always leave the hill with enough height to land in “Pat’s Paddock” or the HG LZ.

Weather station now operational, new number 0212385808.

Mid-way gate must ALWAYS BE KEPT LOCKED.

Rick Hawkeswood / Neil Howe ( Site Monitors )

New MOU for Nelson Barnicoat Site

Please be aware that a new agreement with Air Traffic Control in Nelson has resulted in a new MOU (Memorundum of Understanding).
Any and all pilots wanting to fly in the Barnicoat site must comply with the requirements.
These include:

  •  Be Inducted to the site using the new format  checklist issued  September 2015
  • Carry and use a UHF Channel 34 (477.250 MHz) with CTCSS tone squelch set to 123.0 Hz..
  • Be prepared to land immediately if notified by ATC on Ch 34
The Induction mentioned above superceeds and replaces any previous Induction you may have done before.

The Induction form is available here:

Please make the effort and print it, be familiar with it and bring it with you.  Also sort your radios out as described above before intending to fly at this site.
If you do not have a suitable radio one can be rented from the some club pilots.

Please contact the Tasman Club or any local pilot who will help to explain and assist in the process.

As the Barnicoat site is within  MTZ we cannot express the importance of complying with this MOU.
For the benifits of all pilots now and in the future please ensure that any pilot travelling with you knows of this procedure for this site.

Dill's Hill

October 11 - Site now open. Info.

Closed for lambing. More info here.

Site is still closed for lambing 2015 until mid October, please check with site monitor or here for updates.


The Kaimais are now closed for lambing until further notice late in the year.

Rick Hawkeswood,
Kaimais Site Monitor.
021 682766

Kariotahi Possum Control Program

Cyanide poison to be laid at Kario from August.

More information on the Club Website: Cloudbase

Pakiri Update

This site is still closed as noted in the Cloudbase site guide

Negotiations are underway between the Ranger and the AHGPC regards access to this site. 

Until further notice, please do not jeopardize our continued access by flying this site. 

Don for the AHGPC

Moir Hill One Day Closure

The site will be closed for flying on Thursday 15th January for helicoptor spraying operations.

Les Graham (site monitor)