Paeroas Contact

When flying at the Paeroas please do contact the owners of the landing paddock, Daryl and Jasmine: 07 333 2535


Kaimais Closed For Lambing

No flying at the Kaimais, due to lambing season, until the weekend after Labour weekend.
(That is until 1st November).


Te Mata Peak

Pilots can now fly Te Mata Peak again.

Pilots can access the main landing paddock until it is sown for cropping and the northern paddock with the following conditions:

1. Recreational pilots only.
2. There will be no vehicle access and no other activities without the landowners consent.
3. All pilots must be current members of the NZHGPA.
. Club members to be available to help with the planned working bee in the autumn to help clean up the slopes of Te Mata.

We don't want to lose access to these landing areas. It is essential we respect these conditions. The paddocks are for landing only, please make sure no stock is disturbed and gates are left as you find them.

If you are unsure of landing areas etc please contact me on 021 605 204 or the club liaison officer Euan on 022 048 7673.

Bex Rae